STMJ, Healthy Indonesian Drink from Ginger, Eggs, Milk and Honey

Enjoying a cup of hot drink is a great way to beat the cold weather, right? Of course, you need something that is not only hot but also healthy. In Indonesia, there is a healthy drink called STMJ. Name of the drink is actually derived from Susu (milk), Telur (egg), Madu (honey), and Jahe (ginger). The drink contains healthy ingredients, particularly egg and ginger. Meanwhile, milk and honey serve as the sweetener to replace sugar.



STMJ is a healthy drink, thanks to the nutrient contents in the main ingredients, namely egg, ginger, milk, and honey:


1. Egg. It is rich in protein contents, carbohydrates, and eight types of essential amino acids. More importantly, egg is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, riboflavin, calcium, phosphor, zinc, and potassium.

2. Milk. The health benefits of milk are not questionable. It is a great source of calcium, proteins, vitamin B, and other essential nutrients. Calcium is particularly good to maintain bone health and integrity.

3. Honey. It is a natural sweetener is rich with minerals like magnesium, chlor, phosphate, kalium, and calcium. Honey also contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B6 with varied concentrations, depending upon the nectar quality. Another advantage of hone is that it is easily digested, low in calories, and powerful in protecting the body from bacterial infections.

4. Ginger. It has been used as a natural ingredient for traditional herbs. Ginger is beneficial to protect bone system and increase appetite. Active compounds in ginger include gingerol, shogaol, and zingerone. The gingerol itself serves as an analgesic, anti-pyretic, sedative, and antibacterial agent.





Perfect combination of the four ingredients in the drink, particularly, ginger, milk and honey, makes the taste delicious. It is a perfect drink to warm your body up when the weather is cold. Of course, taste of STMJ is influenced by some factors, including:

1. Perfect mixture. You may need to experiment before arriving at an ideal taste. STMJ is normally made of 250-300 ml of liquid milk, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 egg (choose free-range chicken egg to make the taste more delicious and to avoid the fishy smell), and 3 cm of bruised ginger

2. Preparation method. Another important aspect that determines the taste of STMJ is preparation. The drink is made by boiling the bruised ginger in the liquid milk. Then you can add the egg. The honey is put into the glass immediately before STMJ is served. Simple techniques like stirring the drink to avoid clotting.

3. Time of drink. The best moment to enjoy STMJ is when it is still cold. STMJ offers a warming sensation, thanks to the ginger ingredients.

STMJ is a great choice of drink to boost your stamina. Some people love to serve it with raw egg added with milk and honey, while some others prefer to half-cooked egg. The choice depends on your personal preferences. STMJ is easy to get in food stalls or waroeng in Indonesia, particularly in the evening. Men, particularly, love the drink to restore their stamina after working during the day.

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