Try Bone Carving to Complete Your Traveling in Bali

Its natural beauty and unique culture make Bali become one of the most famous and popular tourist destinations in the world. This island of gods is always crowded with visitors and tourists all over the year. Besides its culture and nature, the arts also become one of the tourist attractions in Bali. From dances, paintings, sculptures, and carvings. For you who love carvings, you should try bone carvings when you are traveling to Bali, especially to Tampak Siring.



Tampak Siring is situated in Gianyar, Bali. Besides famous for its gorgeous Tampak Siring Palace, this place is also known as a bone carving center in Bali. The talented crafters in Tampak Siring manage to produce various beautiful masterpieces made from animals’ bones. Starting from the utilization of cow and buffalo bone waste, the crafters in Tampak Siring turn the bone waste into something unique and decorative. The bones used are varied. Ranging from fish bones, cow bones, buffalo bones, horns, and elephant ivory.

According to the crafters, bones are better than woods. It is because bones are harder and sturdier than woods. Moreover, every part of animal bone has its own complexity. This artsy business does not require a huge fund. Given the thought that it uses the waste of animal bones.



The price of carved bone products sold in Bali is varied. It depends on the size and complexity level. For example, a necklace that is made from carved bones costs IDR 100.000 or around $8. While a statue as high as 15 cm made from thigh bones costs IDR 500.000 or around $35. The price is not that expensive. Remembering how hard it is to make the crafts. The making process of carved head bones requires as quickly as a week. But if the crafters get raw materials, they need more than a week. This is one of the factors why bone crafts in Bali are quite pricey.



The chief of the Indonesian Handycraft Entrepreneur Association mentioned that the United States of America is the main market of Balinese bone crafts. The bone crafts are exported to other countries, but mostly to the US. The demand for bone crafts has been increasing from year to year. Unfortunately, the bone crafters are limited in Bali, only in Tampak Siring. Moreover, they often face some issues. Such as bone materials and monotonous designs. This is why bone crafters are working hard to be more innovative when it comes to carving designs.

Balinese bone crafts are actually favored both in the domestic markets and foreign markets. However, not so many products in the market that meet the buyers’ preferences. The carving designs offered are relatively few.

That is about Balinese bone carving. If you are into the arts so much, there is nothing wrong to visit Tampak Siring when you are traveling to Bali. There, you can learn how to make the crafts and buy one for souvenirs.

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